Talking Classics DVD Will Give You an Emotional Boner.

Posted: Friday, August 6, 2010 by Admiral Snuggles in Labels: , ,

So I bought the Talking Classics DVD and it's pretty cool. For anybody that doesn't know what "Talking Classics" is Wikipedia sums it up as

" A mocumentary that follows video game fan Keith Apicary, starring and created by comedian Nathan Barnatt. Keith Apicary is a 28 year old gamer who favors Neo Geo and Sega. Nathan was kicked out of the 2009 Comic Convention in San Diego for jumping on stage as Keith during Peter Jackson and James Cameron's panel to get a drink of water. He was recently kicked out of E3 2010 for interrupting a G4 interview, asking where the Sega Dreamcast 2 was. Barnatt is currently developing a TV series for Keith Apicary based on Talking Classics for Comedy Central."

A new episode is released about once a month on and if you haven't seen it yet, it's pretty funny. Unlike The Angry Video Game Nerd (who I am also a fan of) Kieth Apicary is actually a character that comedian actor Nathan Barnatt is playing and he's actually a pretty good actor. If you're a fan of the show I'd recommend picking this DVD up. It has all 13 episodes released so far and lots of special features including behind the scenes, commentaries, deleted scenes, interviews, and more. If I had any complaints it'd be that actor Nathan Barnatt while in character and out seems like a guy best suited for small doses in real life or watching him on TV or on the Web because he seems like a guy who feels pressure to be funny all the time. Luckily, each episode on this DVD is only around 5 minutes in length and they don't overstay there welcome. So check it out and get an emotional boner.

And when is the Dreamcast 2 coming out?



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