Madden NFL Themed Doritos!!!

Posted: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by Admiral Snuggles in Labels: , , ,

You're not gonna believe this they made Doritos based off the Madden 2011 video game. Yes they did. Hell yes!!! I get Madden every year for my Xbox 360 because I'm a real sucker so when I got the Sunday ads this week I flipped through trying to decide where I wanted to buy Madden this year. Best Buy was having a buy Madden get a game half off deal, K-mart was giving money off another EA sports game purchase, Wal-Mart was giving deodorant and a gift card, and Target was giving away a gift card and fucking Madden themed Doritos. The choice was now clear I would be getting my copy of Madden from Target. Although I was tempted to finally be able to say that I just bought Madden and that my armpits are dry.

Anyway,I bought Madden and got my Doritos. SO are these Doritos man enough to hang out on the Grid Iron with the other Dorito flavors? Let's find out.

1st let's take a look at "Stadium Nacho"

Hmm...Doritos already has the classic nacho cheese flavor, so how do make a flavor like that also taste like a stadium? There are many possibilities and direction they could go with this. Like making the chips actually taste like concrete, metal, or any other material used to build a stadium. Thankfully the chips don't taste like a stadium. I assume they're going for nacho cheese dip with a hint of jalapeno taste that they usually sell at sporting events. I guess I can taste a hint of jalapeno, but they taste more like a nacho/cool ranch hybrid. They also look pretty identical to cool ranch Doritos. I'd definitely give these a solid recommendation.

Now, "Tailgater BBQ"

The taste real bbquey. I know that's not a real word but that's really the best thing that I could type to describe them. They have a real strong smokey flavor with an almost mesquite like taste with an evasive sweetness. I thought maybe these were a reimagining of the delicious smokey cheddar BBQ of days past but no such luck there is no cheese taste on these chips. Overall not bad, but not my favorite.

It's also worth noting that each bag comes printed with a 9-digit code on the back of the bag to redeem excluse Madden Ultimate Team cards for use in Madden 11. So yeah, there's that.

These will probably only be around for a limited time so get up and buy some then sit back down and eat them.


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